Well that was a better way to start
off the email than last week... hopefully the Rangers can pull it off. We did
get to go down to the temple on Saturday, and that was awesome! I really like
the Frankfurt temple. It's in this little town outside of Frankfurt called
Friedrichsdorf, and it actually looks a lot like the Dallas temple, both on the
outside and inside. So that was cool. Our new member was there to do baptisms,
along with another Young Adult member and her brother, who just turned
12. So that was a really good day.
Oktoberfest hasn't started yet, but
it's definitely big here. I think it's the biggest down in Bayern, in Nürnberg
Zone, but I'm sure we'll still have plenty of celebration here.
You guys better go to the State Fair
and eat a bunch of fried stuff! Haha I miss grungy American junk food so
much... All we've got is McDonalds... So sacrifice for me.
This week was pretty good. Things
are pretty slow at the moment, but Elder Anderson and I are just trying to keep
going forward and try to make things work. It's been really hard getting
appointments to go through, so that's been frustrating, but we're still having
a good time, and we're building a good relationship with a lot of the ward,
which is good. We've got a lot of people that are right under the surface, so
to say, and we just gotta bring them out haha. I think this week will be good
though. We're excited.
I can't think of too much that I
need at the moment, I trust your judgement with whatever you feel like sending
haha. And yeah I know, but sometimes you just need a break from the Haribo!
But that's about it from my side,
hope you all have a great week!!
Elder Brown