Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014


The transfer went well, and I've made myself at home here in Kaiserslautern. It's a cool place, and Elder Shively and I get along well. The branch here is considerably bigger than Gera - about 50 members, so that's nice. I blessed the sacrament and am giving a talk next Sunday though so I still have stuff to do in the branch. There are four branches/wards that meet in our building - us and three American wards. So that's really weird on Sunday haha. It feels like I'm at home. 

But my last week in Gera was really good. I got to meet with a lot of people one last time and it was just a really good goodbye. I was sad to leave, but change always helps to keep things exciting. I did have time to make the guacamole for the members in Gera and it was received well. They were a little skeptical but they got over it. Thanks for the recipe!

Corn and kidney beans in chili is one thing.... on a burger is another. That's all I've got to say to that haha. 

That's so crazy that BYU football starts so soon... I'm pretty excited for that. Hopefully they start it off well. The Rangers are just taking a break until I get home. 

But yeah, things are good here. The members are way cool, we've even got a couple Americans in the German branch, so it's cool to talk to someone from home sometimes. But other than that, we've started teaching a cool guy from Sudan, so that's interesting. We're teaching him the Gospel and English at the same time so it's a party. 

That's about it from my side. Thanks for everything! I love you guys!!

Elder Brown

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